
Volcan Maderas


Despite being the smallest volcano on the island of Ometepe, Maderas is a tall volcano, almost 1,400 meters high. There are coffee plantations on the lower slopes. Higher up, there is a rain forest, something that only the Mombacho Volcano and the Maderas have in the Pacific. The abundant humidity and the dense forest are responsible for this climate. Also, there is a lagoon in the inactive crater.

Climbing the volcano is only possible on foot. The road starts very steep, but in good condition. You will pass by some petroglyphs and a view where you can appreciate the Concepción Volcano and the lake. Afterwards, the excursion will get more difficult. The humidity will turn the road into a muddy and slippery passage; The higher you go, the more difficult it gets. There are places where you really have to climb, rather than walk.

There are trees everywhere so don't expect spectacular views. Also, it is almost always cloudy, which further obstructs your view. There are a few viewpoints, where you will find a good view of the Concepción volcano and Lake Nicaragua. Getting to the top will take you about three and a half hours. From there, you can continue along the truncated summit and go down to the lagoon; This will require a more demanding mountaineering. The water in the lagoon is cold and is frequently covered by mist; standing on the shore - which is surrounded by trees and covered by a mysterious curtain of mist - while the monkeys are howling, is a very special experience.

Descending the volcano will take at least the same time as the ascent. It always gets muddier as the day progresses, so be careful going down. The whole trip takes about eight hours, so be sure to bring enough food and water. Preferably do not wear new clothes, and expect to be all muddy when you return. Good climbing shoes would help a lot. You must leave early in the morning to be able to arrive before dark. It is mandatory to hire a guide, or you can join a group. They can arrange that at your hotel.

The Maderas is accessible from various points in its environment. The road that comes from Santo Domingo reaches a fork that goes towards the towns of Balgüe (North) and Mérida (South); both stretches border the volcano on one of its sides.

The slopes of the volcano are occupied by private properties, so a point of ascent must be chosen well to climb it. From these towns it is possible to find several routes, also from any of the hotels and hostels at the foot of Maderas.

By bus, you can take any that goes to Mérida or Balgüe. In your own vehicle you must follow the same route, up to a point of ascent.

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